Ready2Go Collection 12 for After Effects (2012/RUS/PC) - Утилиты/Программы - Программы - Upload - Free-Files
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Ready2Go Collection 12 for After Effects (2012/RUS/PC)
24.08.2012, 23:42

Ready2Go Collection 12 for After Effects - все новые коллекции комплексных проектов AE и шаблоны, которые обеспечивают сложные анимированные изображения в соответствии с текущими тенденциями.

These ready2go projects are supremely customizable templates for After Effects. They give you a finished look with the addition of just your own text and video - and they are still even more customizable if you need them to be. No matter what your level of skill in After Effects, ready2go scales with you - as you can see in the DJTV tutorials available for all skill levels here on our site. If you just want to replace video and text - drag, drop, and edit text till you're done. Want to change colors and backgrounds, turn off a few elements or add a logo? No problem. Want to extend the length of the project or mix up the order of the animated segments in it? All of this is easier than ever with the extendable edit-friendly segments and matching customizable Swipes provided with the project templates in this collection.

Год: 2012
Язык: английский
Таблетка: присутствует
Размер: 3,88 Гб

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Категория: Утилиты/Программы | Добавил: vital197612 | Теги: Want, effects, Collection, After, Just, Text, Ready2Go, customizable
Просмотров: 118 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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